Friday, July 3, 2009


I have barely recovered from Girl's Camp. It was insanely fun and I will post about it later.

In the meantime, here are a couple of Owen's latest:

1. I had a horrible morning the other day. It was just one of those mornings where I was so lacking in sleep that my puffy eyes were only allowing a tiny slit of vision.....resulting in me dropping everything I touched. I was running late and grouchy that I had to work. I finally got over-frustrated and marched into my bedroom to yell at my peacefully sleeping husband "I NEED YOUR HELP. I AM LATE AND EVERYTHING IS GOING WRONG! GET UP!"

Probably not the nicest way request his assistance.

Anyway- just a couple of minutes later, Owen came in the room to announce, "Mom. I just said a prayer that everything would start going RIGHT!"

Holy preciousness. I love that boy. What a good example.

2. Reaching behind himself, Owen proceeded to stick his hands into an undesirable crevice. I said "What are you doing?! Does your bum itch?" and he said "No...I am just trying to give myself a wedgie."

3. He was trying to describe a cartoon to me and telling me how this kid was jumping up to catch a cloud but he couldn't jump very high. He paused for a long time to try to think of an appropriate way to explain why the kid couldn't jump high enough, and finally said, "He had a weight problem."

I don't recall ever using such politically correct terminology. I thought it was a little odd and gave him an intrigued look. I guess he thought I didn't understand, so in an exasperated voice he said "You know......he was.....the "F" word."


"Eeeefffffff..........Aaaaaaaaa........T! Fat, Mom. He was fat."

I just never could think of a response.


Rebecca said...

That's hilarious about the fat kid. i'm glad he thinks that's a bad word. we don't want to talk about weight stuff in our house either and it's just funny to see how it plays out with your kids.

Jake and Emily Hutchings Family said...

i love to give myself wedgies too. it just feels so good!

The Allred Family said...

I like giving myself wedgies too. It makes me feel alive. :) I am totally the f word too Owen.

The Schaefer's said...

He is SO funny! Thanks for sharing these. They always make my day. They help remember the good times with Harrison, too :c)

Dionne said...

That made my day!