Thursday, January 24, 2008

Deep Thinking

Hazel and I were in a public restroom a few day ago washing our hands. The trash can was right on her level and she stared at it for a long time after throwing her paper towel away.

In a panic, she whipped her head up and looked at me with a very concerned look and said, "Mommy! You can't reach the trash can because you didn't already grow small enough."

I just smiled at her and tried to reassure her that I could just drop my paper towel down from my staggering height, but she wasn't having it.
She said "NO. You have to grow down like THIS!" and squatted down to the floor while motioning a gradual "growing down" with her hands.

Oh, the mind of a two year old.

And here is a precious moment I captured. They may scream and fight 99% of the day, but occasionally I hear silence (that phrase makes no sense) and I find them loving each other. :)

watching t.v. together

Do you see Hazel's little arm around his shoulder? So sweet. And what does it say about my picture taking habits that they didn't even budge while I circled around them for the best view? Poor kids.