Hazel got a haircut. For those of you who never see her, you probably won't be able to tell that she is missing about 3-4 inches of stringy, dead, strangely colored hair. I asked her if I could take a picture to send to Aunt Meredith and she proceeded to strike pose after pose with no encouragement or direction from me.
With all this quiet playing there was bound to be a huge mess. I couldn't have cared less. But I did suggest at one point that they try to pick a few things up so they would have more room to breathe. I found them a few minutes later cleaning up (angels) and making up a cleaning song to motivate themselves. I'm not sure why the chorus was "kite kite kite" or why they were "walking through the woods" while cleaning, but it was precious nonetheless.
Owen loves glowsticks. I'm not sure why. But I found a big box for $1.00 at Michael's and I've been trying to convince him to only light one or two a day so he doesn't waste them all at once. Last night, when I went in his room to see if he was asleep yet, I found him like this.
Oh well. It was a temporary joy anyway. I guess Ben 10 wears some kind of bracelet like that.
Yesterday, Hazel was using my potty and it took me a while to realize that she was in there for a good 15 minutes. Doing this....