Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Prepping for Santa's visit.

Christmas Eve. We put out milk and pumpkin bread for Santa. Now I realize the traditional Santa snack is cookies, but I already had leftover pumpkin bread. And if you really think I am going to bake two days in a row just so "Santa" can have his cookies, you obviously don't know me. Then Owen decided that we needed to sing "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" to prepare for his big visit. I just wanted you to see how hyper they were the night BEFORE Christmas.

Now imagine what the actual big day was like. It eventually led to a very serious discussion between me and my brother about the lasting effects of Ritalin. Ha.

The day before this, Owen all of a sudden had the insight to ask "What if Santa doesn't bring me any presents because I've been so naughty?" I tried to convince him that he was still good enough to get presents, but he then proceeded to list all the naughty things he had done in the past month or so....and it was not a short list. The more he listed, the more upset he got until he was almost in tears. He almost convinced me not to put out his Santa presents this year! What kind of a message did I send by still giving him the presents!?!?