Aunt Paige sent her a My Little Pony Salon that she just couldn't stop playing with. She came back to it over and over throughout the day.
Notice the little mannequin heads on the top with all of the different hairstyles that pony can try on? She pretended those were the baby ponies and they sang their names (Sally, Emma and Emily) over and over. Kind of creepy.
She even got inspired and pulled out one of her bigger ponies so she could play with it's hair. She brought it to me looking like this and said "Look! She's fancy!" She has about 6 million of Hazel's clippies in her hair.
Paige also sent her some Disney Princess pajamas. I actually managed to catch her reaction as she opened them...
Ghee and Sarah went the Barbie route. They got her a Barbie that she keeps seeing on TV that has a pet dog with a puppy. It comes with a bath to wash the dogs in. Apparently something was missing, though. In the commercial, the dogs get in the mud and have to be washed off. When she opened the gift, she stared at the box for the longest time and then finally asked "Where's the mud?" She was easily appeased when she realized the tub had a functioning shower head. She wanted it opened immediately so she could make the mommy dog and baby dog cuddle together.
They also sent her a new Ken doll and a wedding dress (because she told me she wanted her barbie to get married). She was SO excited about the dress and immediately took Barbie out of her dog-washing clothes so that she could rush off to her wedding with Beach Party Ken.
Obviously Ken didn't realize that he was supposed to dress up for the occasion, but Barbie still looked pretty happy about the whole affair.
Carly heard all the commotion and poked her head out to see what was going on...
then spent a good ten minutes trying to get the ponies opened so she could attack them.
I had a talk with Hazel later this afternoon about how she should act at her party. She is a typical four yr. old and has the tendency to rip through one present after another without giving herself any time to react. I explained to her that people want to know how she feels about their present and that she should take the time to thank each person before moving on to the next gift. I don't actually expect this lesson to stick, but I thought it was at least time to start drilling it into her head.
I was giving her some examples of what she could say when opening a gift and she sad "Or like 'Oh, Thank you so much! This is the perfect thing I always wanted!' " I said "That works!"
I can't wait to see what she says tomorrow! I am already prepping myself for the laughter.