Friday, January 18, 2008

Dead Man Walking

Owen: I've had the chocolate whoppers before, but I've never tried the strawberry ones.
Me: That's a sad story, Owen.
Owen: I'm going to have some when I'm a grown up....when my parents are dead.
Daddy: Your parents don't have to be dead for you to be a grown up. I'm a grown up and my parents aren't dead.
Owen: But your parents LOOK like they are almost dead. Grandaddy is a REALLY old man.


sondra german said...

................ LOL!
my apologies for the delay above... i had to pick myself up off the floor.

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious

Paige said...

He's right...he is really old.

Jenn :) said...

bahaahahahhahahahaa...omg. What a character!!