Am I the only one who has completely gotten used to these things?
When I first started with my blogging obsession, I had to squint to pick out each letter of the "word" and then slowly peck it out on the keyboard, double & triple checking to make sure I got it just right.
Now I read these things like they are real words, and my fingers fly over the keys like they are a part of my lifelong vocabulary.
They are dear friends to me. I find myself relishing the pronunciation of each clump of letters and wondering what their definition might be were they real.
The U.S. Navy Could Have Shot Down A Russian Jet
8 years ago
sphants is the sound that is made when you step on a bunch of ants.
you are a B-R-A-T!!!!!!!! I do not only comment on your blog when I want you to look at mine. You re such a liar!!! Serioulsy Lins??? That's so false. I have explained this many times...but for the slow, I will again. I DO NOT HAVR A COMPUTER. I use my mom's. Therefore, I cannot strategically plan when I comment and post. I know it's cool to comment at a different time when you post(what the heck is that?) but.....I usually do it at the same time.
Claire is suffering from OVARAPLE...Inflamation of hormones caused by eating fruit!!
Wait . . . I don't get it. Are those just mis-spelled words because you can't type?? I don't get it! And thank you for all of your lovely comments on my blog! You boost my self esteem!
yeah i don't get it either!
about your name... oops. so so sorry... i've got you, lindsey, and another friend, lyndsay. it confuses my simple mind. seriously, i had a feeling i misspelled it and meant to check it, but forgot. my bad. how about you get one free sAndra... deal? ;)
What a good attitude you have. They annoy the heck out of me, but because I love you I muddle through typing one out each time I go to leave you a message. (Now come leave me one! Donrimo!)
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