Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I love this stage that Hazel is in. She wants to have these grown up conversations with me, but she is still piecing her sentences together in the funniest, cutest ways that make no sense. Here was our conversation this morning.

Hazel: "Mom...What does business mean?"
Me: "Well, it means lots of things. Sometimes it means the place where someone works"
Hazel: "But it just means for the workers. Because they have to have emergencies on it."

Love her.


Rebecca said...

Is she talking about what I think she's talking about? Lindsey- what are you teaching her??!! :)

Tracy said...

Yes, in our house business means your "business" (or also what Macy likes to call her "privacy"). Dear husband taught her her that one....

Husband will say while giving the girls a bath, "clean your pits, clean your business."

Nicole said...

She is so cute!

Rebecca said...

Linds- The classes we were taking were like combo between step, lifting, and cardio. It's Lifetime Fitness and I think they have the best gyms. Also, nevermind about Hazel- I misread. I thought she was saying that she does her business on the potty and it's an emergency...crazy.

Anonymous said...

so funny and adorable! How do you keep a straight face around those kiddos of yours? Love her.

Paige said...

I don't get it...

The Allred Family said...

Hazel needs to do stand-up. Seriousyl. I love the gospel of Hazel... I want to learn all about it. Ella is starting to talk like that and it is sooo funny. It helps me to really love being a mom.

Paige said...

Haha- I know! She's witty in a really sneaky way. I don't know why he opened it- I guess he wanted to see what it looked like!