Monday, January 19, 2009


Is it creepy that I think these are the cutest things in the whole world? They almost make it fun to do laundry!


sondra german said...

yes, quite creepy.

Christie said...

They are cute. Craig and I were saying we can't wait to get Hayden some under-roos! I think creepy would be if you were getting those undies that say things on the butt! Little girls don't needs those for SURE!

Jerry said...

Like Juicy..that would be creepy.
But you are creepy anyway.

Lindsey said...

No no. Those don't go on the underwear....those go on the pants- so everyone can see. Hazel totally has some "Juicy" pants. lol. That sounds gross. Juicy pants. ha. Btw- she really doesn't. That's trashy.

Anonymous said...

hmmm...kinda weird but know what you mean

sondra german said...

that's so funny! hubby n i just saw some, like, 8-year old with something huge (can't remember what) written across the back of her shorts. and i turned to hubby and said if we have any daughters it is so not okay for them to wear things with words on the butt... ever.

Lindsey said...

I KNOW! It's like they are screaming- "Hey predators...look at my butt!"

But I must say it is not only a faux pas when little girls do it. It's almost worse to see it on a 40 yr. old's rear. So- I guess I pretty much think it's trashy no matter the age of the transgressor.

The Allred Family said...

that is kinda weird. you soujnd like a pedafile (how do you spell that?.

Lindsey said...

Claire- you should be more concerned that you spelled "sound" wrong.