The morning started with my cat puking on the back porch and then eating it. I thought I would spare you all, so I didn't take a picture of that.
Then my kiddos colored pictures to put on the front door.
Hazel and I stayed home to be all domesticated. We decorated and cleaned and cooked to prepare for our company.
Then some of the people I am most thankful for gathered around the table to eat lots of good food.
Then we got ready for the game. Go Cowboys!
The game was so good that all the boys fell asleep.
Then we decided to take a walk and work off some of those turkey calories. Being the genius that I am, I locked us all out of the house. :) So we were all trying to find a way in the house, and to make a long story short....Chris tried to slide open a window and his hand went right through it. I can't say I'm surprised since our windows are the crappiest, thinnest, single pane windows in the world, but I have to say it was pretty darn scary. I heard the shatter and went running around the corner expecting to find a bloodied carcass (ok that's a little extreme, but it was scary). So now you know the story. It wasn't Chris' insane temper that caused the break, and he wasn't too bloody. Just a few scratches. What a way to end the evening. :)
Why is it that non of this supprises me.
I wish I could have been there to see chris' tantrum. :)
Owen is throwing his chest out in the picture with the football just like Nathan does. Genetics.
You have a pretty front door!
Your table looks pretty! I'm glad you had a good Thankgsiving...bloody limbs aside.
Oh, and that is one adorable baby!
LOL! I love Owen's face in both those pictures. Chris looks a little shocked in the broken window picture, and Erin has a weird glowing light coming from her chest in the last pic.
fun fun. you're family was with oyur other fam....US! :) that second to last pic with nathan half cut out is hilarious of him .he looks like he has a fro!
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