Saturday, November 1, 2008

G-Mommy brings us Halloween....

The next few posts will be catching up on my mom's visit. We had tons of fun and I had to rest from it all for a couple of days before returning to the real world.

I am ashamed to say that before my mother arrived, I had NO Halloween decorations. It's just not a "holiday" that I really get into. But my kids adore all the creepy things that come with this non-holiday. So we made a run to Wal-Mart and bought a bunch of marked down decorations (that's the plus when you are shopping three days before Halloween!). The kids have been thrilled with the spider web on our porch. They threw a bunch of bugs and snakes and such and shrieked with joy every time one stuck.

Oh, the happiness of which I deprive them on a regular basis. Thanks for setting me straight, Mom. ;)
Trying to pose for a picture when all they really want
to do is rip that package open and get started!

The finished product!


The Schaefer's said...

Too cute. What did they dress up as for Halloween?

The Allred Family said...

G-Mommy, you rock! You're decorating skillz are sweet!